Best Practice
How to remove MinLOS and MaxLOS?
How to remove MinLOS and MaxLOS?
To remove MInLOS and MaxLOS restrictions, please update with default value of each restrictions
MinLOS = 1
MaxLOS = 0
For example,
Reservation Price Display: Consume and display Net_Inclusive_amt as it's the rate property will receive after commission is deducted
Reservation Price Display: Consume and display Net_Inclusive_amt as it's the rate property will receive after commission is deducted
As per the default price configuration, Agoda returns net_inclusive_amt and refsell_inclusive_amt in most cases so Agoda expects partners to display net_inclusive_amt which is the price after commission is deducted to the property.
GetBookingList Request Time Interval
GetBookingList Request Time Interval
Ideally, we would recommend 5 mins time interval per GetBookingList call.